(MNN) — Hundreds of people gave their hearts to Christ in an evangelistic
meeting on the outskirts of Monrovia,
It was the culmination of a three-day evangelistic effort
with evangelist Sammy Tippit that ended Sunday.
They were held in the football field of the New Kru Town borough, where thousands gathered
nightly to hear Tippit preach.
The celebration of the Gospel was initiated February 22nd by
a march in which 400 Christians marched, danced, and sang through the main
streets. Many of the watchers then
followed the procession into the stadium, heard the Word of God, and gave their
hearts to Christ.
While there, they met the Vice President of Liberia and
shared their burden for continued peace in the nation. Pastor Emmanuel Gyamfi, chairman of the
crusade, accompanied the Tippits to the meeting on Friday afternoon. Sammy Tippit last traveled to Liberia three
years ago, at the conclusion of the war.
Since then, his desires for the church and the country have come to pass
as Liberia
has been set on a path of peace.
Tippit also held a pastors and leaders conference in one of
the local churches, where he challenged the pastors to pray for revival in Liberia.
He spoke to these leaders on Praying for Your Family during the first
session and encouraged them to search for Him with their hearts.