Lebanon (MNN)–Israel is being urged to bring to an immediate end its blockade of Lebanon so Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) can reach people with aid.
Operation Blessing International’s David Darg, assistant director of international programs, says they’re moving into a ‘Phase 2’ distribution plan now. “All the refugees have been moving since the ceasefire, going to see what’s left of their homes. Many of them, finding out that their homes are destroyed, are having to return to the refugee camps.”
Keeping track of what’s needed to respond is nearly impossible with a nomadic shift. “So right now, we’re in reassessment, looking at which refugees can return home, and which refugees have to resettle.”
OBI and partner, Humedica, expect the number of refugees needing medical treatment to increase to nearly 20,000.
“In cooperation with different organizations, our team is distributing food, mattresses, meals, toys and medical supplies,” said one OBI relief worker. “This aid will help around 900 to 1,000 families in the next few days.”
It’s all ministry, though Darg explains that sharing their faith is a bit dicey, given the scenario. “Obviously, it’s a very sensitive situation at this stage. Most of the camps that we’ve been working in are monitored closely by Hezbollah representatives who watch our movements very closely.”
“We’ve had to be very careful,” he continues, “about any type of ministry we’d like to take into the camps. But we are trying to demonstrate God’s love through the work that we do.”
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