USA (MNN) — Human rights have long been part of political discussion, but what about human wrongs? The "Human Wrong" initiative is being launched this week at Urbana 09, a missions conference by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
"The 'Human Wrong' initiative is a movement of students who are united in raising their voices to right the human wrong of child slavery," says World Vision's Jesse Eaves. The campaign spearheaded by mission organizations World Vision, International Justice Mission and Sojourners has made Urbana its official launching point.
Students are called primarily to raise their voices in this initiative through political advocacy. Every student participating in Urbana's Advocacy Track is joining in the effort throughout the week to make phone calls and send postcards to senators and state representatives in the U.S. on behalf of enslaved children.
Students are asked to engage in such advocacy in order to reach the main goal of the "Human Wrong" initiative: to pass the Child Protection Compact Act in Congress. The passing of this act would allow for easier partnerships between the U.S. and other countries to set specific goals for purging themselves of child slavery. The hope is that when this act is passed, other countries will have more pressure and help to protect children and prevent their enslavement.
Students will take the campaign back to their campuses to continue pushing for U.S. legislation on the new act and to raise student awareness. Students involved with "Human Wrong" will wear t-shirts with words such as "sold" or "defiled" written across them. As peers ask questions, these student advocates will give out cards that include stories of enslaved children and ways to help.
Students involved with the initiative at Urbana seem excited to take it back to their own campuses. Cat Swick from the University of Idaho says, "It just breaks my heart to think of all these children that are being worked as slaves and have no voice and no right. They deserve the right that I had growing up of having a voice."
Swick plans to use the campaign as a way not only to help these voiceless children, but also as a means to point her peers to Christ.
"Even if I don't have banners that say that this is a Christian organization, I know that God will work and people will see a difference in us," says Swick. She is excited to see how God will draw people to Himself when they see that His followers care enough about justice for innocent children to do something about it.
To learn more about how you can start your own campaign for the "Human Wrong" initiative, visit www.humanwrong.org. Check in with MNN daily for further updates on Urbana 09.