International (MNN) — The Muslim world is three days into Ramadan, a holiday when Muslims fast during the daylight hours and seek to earn Allah’s favor.
Ramadan is also a pivotal time for Christians — a time to pray for God to show Muslims the truth of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Frontiers USA works among Islamic people groups to plant churches and introduce Muslims to Jesus in the Bible. Perry LaHaie with Frontiers says they hear stories all the time from the mission field of God miraculously revealing His truth to Muslim men and women.
“We hear them so often — God showing up in a dream or a vision [or] performing a miracle of healing. A lot of the times, it’s just something that prepares the heart of a Muslim person, and then many times, God will bring a follower of Jesus into that person’s life or they’ll get in touch with the Bible.”

(Photo courtesy of Frontiers USA)
LaHaie says he recently heard the story of Rachel, a Muslim woman whose father was an Islamic scholar. “Rachel’s father…felt like he really didn’t understand the Muslim holy book, the Quran, so he just dove into it really deep to understand it better. Rachel was inspired by her father’s desire to know the Quran better so she started her own quest for truth.
“She ended up reading about Isa al-Masih, Jesus the Messiah, online. As she read about that and reflected on what she was learning, one night she just cried out, ‘God, show me the truth.’
“Right after that, her room was filled with a brilliant light and she heard the words she had just read online from Jesus. She heard the words, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except by me.’
“When she had this vision of light and heard the words, she was convinced they were true.”
Rachel was so moved by Jesus’s words that she told her mother about the vision, and her mother believed as well. One by one, Rachel’s father, two brothers, sister, and sister’s fiance all came to trust in Jesus as their Savior.
“It just seems like this is one of the things God is doing in the Muslim world — using dramatic signs, wonders, dreams, visions, and then getting Muslims connected with the Word,” LaHaie says. “It’s like a touch point that moves them forward, maybe breaks through the misconceptions they have, and opens them up to then hearing the Word.”

Hungry for Hope, a 30-day Ramadan prayer guide by Frontiers USA. (Image courtesy of Frontiers)
You can pray for Muslims during the month of Ramadan by using Frontiers’ 30-day Ramadan prayer guide, Hungry for Hope.
Hungry for Hope immerses you in the stories of Muslim families and their journeys to discover God’s grace in Jesus. These precious stories paired with stunning photos will equip and move you to prayer.
Begin your 30-day prayer adventure here!
You can also join what God is doing in the Muslim world at frontiersusa.org.
Header photo courtesy of Frontiers.