International (MNN) — Next week, Muslims around the world will begin observing Ramadan. It’s a holy month of seeking God, of sunrise to sunset fasting, of purifying oneself, and more.
If you’re a Christian, Ramadan is a significant time for you too: wherever you live, it’s a chance to build relationships with the Muslims in your world.
Sound challenging? Remember it doesn’t depend on you. Nazanin Baghestani with Heart4Iran says sharing the gospel with a Muslim is like planting a seed.
“Once we plant the seed, if they allow the seed to come into their heart, they start thinking about it. It is God who waters the plant. It is God who intervenes and let[s] the seed grow in their heart by speaking with them, by dreams, by miracles, by answering their prayers,” she says.

Heart4Iran’s 24/7 prayer and trauma counselors are receiving calls every day from those ready to put their faith in Jesus! (Photo, caption [edited] courtesy of Heart4Iran)
You still have a part to play though, so don’t hold back. Keep this in mind with your Muslim classmate, coworker or friend: “It’s very important to respect them, to respect their idea[s], to respect their rituals, to be friends with them, to be compassionate, and just love them and show God’s heart to them,” says Baghestani.
(See 2 Timothy 2:23-26 for similar ways Christians are to communicate with those who don’t know Christ yet.)
Baghestani adds, “Once we do that, even once we share our testimony, it helps them listen to us when we preach the gospel. It gives them a safe space, a safe environment, and a listening mind.”
Would you pause right now to pray? That’s the most important work. Ask God to reveal Himself to Muslims as the true God and Savior this Ramadan. Ask Him how He wants you to be part of that answer. Then, connect with Heart4Iran’s resources here. Their e-guide on reaching Muslims in your world may be just the encouragement you need.
“I am positive that in this year, after what [Muslims have] been through in the world, they’re questioning God,” Baghestani says. “They’re seeking God, [asking] God [to] heal them, protect their children. So many are grieving. These are critical times, and these are exact times where God can meet them, right where they are.”
Header photo courtesy of Heart4Iran.