Sudan (MNN) — The United Nations Security Council votes to extend current sanctions against Sudan by another year. The bans include asset freezes, travel restrictions, and an arms embargo.
Sanctions have born little success so far in moving either of the warring parties to the negotiating table. An ongoing war between Sudan’s army and rebel forces backed by the United Arab Emirates has uprooted more than 10 million people since April 2023.
“They’re in the midst of their third civil war in the last 50 years,” Greg Kelley with Unknown Nations says.
“When we hear ‘Sudan,’ we associate that with carnage, and what happens is [we] get apathetic. But we should care, as followers of Jesus, because Jesus called us to make disciples of all nations.”
Sudan is facing the worst levels of food insecurity in its history, with more than half of its population in acute hunger. Famine conditions were confirmed earlier this month in several displacement camps.
“Children are dying every single day of starvation. That’s not a pleasant sight, and it’s happening by the dozens in both South Sudan and Sudan,” Kelley says.
Yet amid Sudan’s despair, hope remains. “People are open. They’ve lost every earthly possession, and they’re sitting in a tent in a country that’s not their own,” Kelley says.
“They are asking questions. When you’re in that position, and someone comes with the life-transforming message of the Gospel, that heart is ready to receive.”
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“We need to be praying for the Christian leaders because they share the Good News in the most difficult of environments. Pray that God would give them strength and courage.”
Header photo depicts Sudanese refugees being baptized in Chad. (Header and story images courtesy of Unknown Nations)