Angola (MNN)–Angola’s prolonged war has left scenes of destruction throughout the country. Yet, hope is cautiously growing in Angola, after decades after civil war.
It’s what makes the message of the Gospel so critical to the timing of a series of evangelistic meetings. Chris Dillashaw is with Sammy Tippit Ministries.
He says the meetings in Angola are going well. “The theme of the meetings there, in Huambo, have been ‘Restoration’ for the country of Angola and for the city of Huambo. The testimonies that we’re hearing are that lives are being restored, the church is being revived.”
The response may be the groundwork for future ministry. Dillashaw explains, “We’re hoping that that will create a lasting impression on the hearts and lives of the people there in Huambo.”
And respond, they did. By the time Sunday was concluded, counselors for the evangelistic meetings had recorded 945 people who prayed to give their hearts and lives to Christ. That means new growth in the local churches…which brings up whether or not they’re ready to handle the traffic.
Indigenous church leadership is laying a plan for six or seven years’ growth. “Where I think we’re headed is for us to be able to visit some of these key war-torn areas and see God do some of the similar things that He’s doing in Huambo and Luanda (the nation’s capitol), as we train leaders, as we help revive the church, as we spread the Gospel through mass evangelism.”
The leadership conferences will be repeated in Luanda, and the STM team will conclude their time in Angola with another evangelistic meeting in Luanda.