Ukraine (MNN) — Ukraine’s hardly made the headlines lately, but fighting continues on, and harsh conditions for civilians and soldiers remain.

(Photo courtesy of World Missionary Press via Facebook)
The crisis has seen the death of approximately 8,000 people in Ukraine, including civilians. Cargo 200 from Ukraine to Russia is an online group. Recently, they published a list with over 2,000 names of Russian soldiers who have been killed in the fighting. Each side has had severe losses and pain.
Despite the gloominess, the light of God’s Word is breaking throughout the country.
Fred Eiler with World Missionary Press (WMP) recently spoke with a Ukrainian church in the USA, in the state of Georgia.. He got their reaction toward the ongoing crisis, and it wasn’t what he thought it was going to be.
“They felt like this was something that was going to drive folks to the Lord with the upheaval that was there in Ukraine,” Eiler says. “I was a little taken aback by that. I thought there was going to be some harbor of things. The Christians are looking at it as God can use this to bring people to Himself.”
Several Ukrainian churches Eiler met with had the same reactions, and each was sending much-needed supplies like clothing and blankets.

(Photo courtesy of World Missionary Press via Facebook)
The church in Georgia was sending their love in a different manner. They were getting ready to send 1000 MP3 players with the downloaded Russian Bible to the frontlines. Eiler asked how long the MP3 players would last, especially in a war zone. The church said they wouldn’t last long, but it would get the Word out.
That’s where WMP jumped in.
“Along with the MP3 players, about 3000 Russian Scripture booklets were taken by one of the brothers from the church and flown into Ukraine to be given out in those areas where the fighting is going on.”
The booklets and MP3s would be shipped into the western part of Ukraine and delivered into the east, where the constant battle plays out.
But the best part of the delivery? Booklets and MP3s are being handed out to both Ukrainians and Russians. The ministry and church didn’t want any prejudices to stand in the way of what God could do.
“God’s Word just seems to be able to penetrate all kinds of military lines because it’s the Word of God and that’s what our country and that’s what the world needs is Jesus.”
WMP booklets are offered in 343 languages and consist of 48 pages packed with Bible verses, strategically placed to share Jesus’ story. They’re free tools to answer questions people might have about the Christian faith and “designed to bring people to the saving knowledge of Christ.”
Demand is great all over the world, but supplies are limited because funds come in only as people give.
For only five cents, you can provide a Scripture booklet and let a Ukrainian family or a Russian soldier know they are loved by God. Help change Ukraine through God’s Word by giving through WMP.
You are doing a great job BUT I hope that in addition to the Bible being in Russian you also have some copies in Ukrainian and allow people to choose the language they desire. There are many young people in Ukraine who no longer understand Russian (those who grew up since 1991) and would appreciate being able to get a Bible in their own native language.
God Bless