South Asia (BGR) — Baptist Global Response shares the following prayer request for women in South Asia:
The Atulya Home in South Asia provides a safe place for young women coming from backgrounds of abuse, exploitation, and rejection.
“The vision of the home is to see the women healed and set free from their past, to find hope for their future, and to move into a destiny in God,” a ministry partner says. “These women come from places where they are considered worthless, so we long for them to discover who they are in God—that they are ‘atulya,’ which means ‘precious and of great worth.’”
The home currently houses seven women but has a capacity for 10. The staff creates an environment for these women where they can experience safety, healing, relationships, and community. Atulya also offers education, social and practical skills training, and vocational training, hoping to eventually equip inhabitants to live independently.
The staff would like to eventually expand and find a bigger facility so Atulya can house up to 15 women at one time.
Pray for the young women, and ask that they start to feel like they belong. Pray that they continue to want what God has planned for their lives. The holidays are particularly difficult as they watch others from the community return to their homes. Pray, also, that staff can raise enough money to cover costs.