USA (FH/MNN) — The scientist who helped discover the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
says a cure for AIDS
is in sight.
The possibility of an end to the lethal pandemic is a beacon of
hope in advance of a global conference on the disease. The biennial
International AIDS Conference held this year in Washington, D.C. begins Sunday. It has not been held in the
United States in 22 years.
United Nations says more than 34 million people worldwide are living with HIV, and
around 30 million have died from AIDS-related complications in the three
decades since the virus emerged with lethal intensity.
on July 25, people are getting together to talk solutions. Food for the Hungry U.S. President Dave Evans, and Rick Warren, author of Purpose Driven Life, are
meeting in Washington D.C. to participate in a summit about the Christian
Faith Community's efforts to treat and reduce AIDS cases throughout the
an active stance to make the voice of the faith community heard and understood
by U.S. and world leaders. The faith
community provides 40% of worldwide healthcare and has a large role in
combating HIV/AIDS.
provide comfort and support to people who are either infected or affected by
HIV/AIDS. In Haiti, Food for the Hungry staff visit isolated people living with
HIV/AIDS, providing education and supplies to keep them healthy.
work includes education, abstinence programs, and maternal and child health
programs. With medical experts making advances to end this disease, please join
FH in praying for an AIDS-free generation during the next decade.
380,000 youth and adults were reached with messages of healthier choices and
behavior change to equip them to protect themselves. This includes encouraging
abstinence, faithfulness, and risk reduction for youth and adults. Educational
messages are also shared with 1,800 pregnant and lactating women to enable them
to deliver and nurture the next HIV-free generation.
Speakers for the
summit include Rich Stearns, president of World Vision; Carolyn
Woo, president of Catholic Relief Services; and Kay Warren, co-founder of
Saddleback Church. They will discuss the important role the faith community
plays in global health and in combating HIV/AIDS.
comes alongside believers in the local church, helping and equipping them to meet the physical and
spiritual needs, share the Gospel, solve problems, and help disciple new
Christians in their community.