USA (MNN) — There are more than 41 million Hispanics living
in the United States today. The U-S is the third largest Hispanic country in
the world. However, what's being done to reach them with the Gospel?
The Bible League is concerned. That's why they held their first U-S Hispanic church planter training program. Rosilio Roman is the Bible
League's director of U-S Hispanic ministry. He says evangelical churches are
needed. "The demographics will let you know that not even all the church
that are in existence today could hold all of the Hispanics in each community.
There are just not enough churches yet."
Since there aren't enough churches that means there aren't enough
Christians ready to lead them to Christ, says Roman. "And, that's why we
need to train as many people that have that sense of calling from God to do it.
There (are) just not enough Bible college students out there right now that
would suffice."
Roman says that's why they're working with 'called' laymen,
offering three day training sessions four times a year. "They come in, get
the lectures, and the sessions and then they go back to their home turf and
start applying the principles and skills they've learned."
He says the training is completed, "With the
expectation of seeing a new church plant by the end of 18 months from the
beginning of the first training."
Currently they have 13 people participating in the training
from Los Angeles, Miami and Chicago. The training they're receiving not only
helps with evangelism, discipleship and church planting, but also
multiculturalism. Roman says the Hispanic church today needs to think multiculturally.
"There are over 10, 11 even 19 different countries represented among their
membership. So, the issue of being international or multicultural among
Hispanics is an issue."
While ties to their religion in their homeland may be viewed
as a road block to evangelism, Roman says it's not. "Actually, it's more
of a bridge, I believe. It definitely helps church planters into reaching
people who have a sense of the Almighty and in their hearts and souls they are
searching for God."
Pray that the Bible League will be successful in this first
wave of training and that churches will be planted as a result.