India (MNN) — A Hindu priest in India called for the beheading of Christian converts at a rally. Christians in the region fear the words could cause more violence against them.
The October 1 rally, entitled “Stop Religious Conversions,” had heavy political support in the Chhattisgarh region. Chhattisgarh also has anti-conversion laws, designed by Hindu extremists to harass religious minorities.
Mission Cry’s work
Many Hindus throughout India claim that huge numbers of conversions to Christianity or Islam threaten their religion. Despite this, Mission Cry has seen a great demand for Bibles and Christian books in neighboring Odisha State in Eastern India, the home of many ancient Hindu temples.
Jason Woolford says, “We’ve sent two containers, actually, to that area for the sake of evangelism. We also want to get three seminaries credentialed there. We provided over $2 million worth of free Bibles and Christian books, in order to help all three of the seminaries have a lending library and a seminary library.”
You can help finance the shipping containers Mission Cry uses to transport these materials. Ask God to use this ministry to fill many hearts with the hope of Jesus. Woolford says, “People have the ability to sponsor the Mission Cry Bible at $2 a Bible, producing that and getting it in the hands of somebody overseas. You can also mail extra copies of your Bibles and Christian books that are sitting on your shelf.”
The header photo shows a Hindu temple in Odisha State. (Photo courtesy of Supgiri, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons)