International (MNN) – Did you know over 75 percent of the world’s population are oral communicators? E3 Partners says cultures within this population communicate primarily through storytelling, drama, and song.
e3 Orality Cause
Thankfully, over 70 percent of the Bible is a compilation of stories. These stories tell the overarching story of God’s plan of redemption and reconciliation for humanity. E3’s Marketing Communication Manager Jeff Johnston says e3 is making sharing the Gospel with oral learners a priority. How? Through its e3 Orality Cause.
Short-term trips consisting of first-timers and a dedicated team who work with locals Christians focus on sharing the Gospel in areas with extremely low literacy rates.
“What the orality team has been able to do is train themselves (and all the people that go on trips with them) to be able to confidently share these different stories that ultimately lead to [the] story in the Gospel,” Johnston explains.
Training Local Leaders
e3 is also equipping strong local Christian leaders to continue this work on their own. Some are even being trained accidentally. Translators who work with e3 Orality teams build relationships with the people they translate for. Ultimately, translating the stories of the Bible so frequently means the translators commit these stories to memory. Plus, during their time translating, these translators also learn how to share the Gospel and the stories they have learned.
“It’s been really amazing to see how God’s been able to use just the passion of our morality team. And the passionate [of] those that go on these trips with them ultimately lead to an explosion of the Gospel in all these different areas where literacy rates are practically zero or where there’s no written language,” Johnston says.
Will you consider helping by joining an e3 Orality trip?
“Our orality team is always taking trips, always looking for new people to reach and new areas to go to, to really just help the Gospel [to] continue to grow in places where there’s no written language, or where it’s hard to spread the Gospel through the written scriptures,” Johnston says.
Learn more about e3’s Orality Cause and how to sign-up for a trip here.
But for now, please pray for the movement of the Gospel in orality cultures. Pray that God’s story will impact hearts and for people to put their faith in Him. And pray the Gospel’s impact as it is shared through stories.
Header photo courtesy of e3 Partners