USA (MNN) — InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is a part of the EveryCampus Initiative. It is a movement to have a Gospel witness on every college campus by 2030. Currently, the majority of college campuses have no Gospel witness present. However, InterVarsity firmly believes the mission on campus begins with prayer. The goal is to have every campus prayer walked by 2020. Now, we’re in the final countdown.
Prayer Walk a Campus
There are only eight days left in 2019, and just over 1000 college campuses in the United States still need prayer walkers. Will you help prayer walk the remaining campuses?
“Any of your listeners could visit EveryCampus.com. And when you go there, there’s a really easy way to search for a campus near you. You can search for a particular campus, you can search by zip code or city, and it will pull up the campuses near you. It’ll tell you whether that campus has been prayer walked yet or not,” Jon Hietbrink says, InterVarsity’s Vice President of Campus Ministry in the Central United States.
“If it hasn’t yet been prayer walked there’ll be a green button where you can click ‘start here,’ and enter either your phone number or your email address and we’ll send you a customized prayer guide that you can use to shape your prayer walk on that campus. And then at the end of that prayer walking guide is a button for you to be able to say that you completed the prayer walk and that will update our count down.”
Results of Prayer Walks
Hietbrink has participated in prayer walks which have taken only 10 minutes. Other times, the Holy Spirit has prompted him to pray longer. Regardless of how long a prayer walk lasts, InterVarsity believes it is a powerful experience, setting foot on a college campus and joining God in that space.
“Our hope with that is that people really start to experience what we in campus ministries see every day, is that Jesus is alive and well on every single campus in the country already. We don’t bring God to those campuses. God is already at work in those places, we’re just joining Him,” Hietbrink says.
Stories have reached Hietbrink’s desk from people with whom InterVarsity did not have previous contact. They are stories of people who felt moved to prayer walk a campus where they knew no one, yet God led them to a student or faculty member who wanted to start something new on that campus. To prayer walk a campus before 2020 comes, click here.
Looking Ahead to 2020
In 2020, InterVarsity plans to mobilize the Church further to reach college campuses across the United States. This will look like continued prayer and even efforts to start new Gospel communities on college campuses.
“Our desire would be that there wouldn’t be a single campus left in the country that didn’t have a local community of Jesus followers meeting on that campus to seek and bear witness to His presence and His lordship on that campus,” Hietbrink says.
Sign-up to prayer walk a campus here!
Header photo courtesy of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.