Middle East (MNN) — Christians are facing increasing amounts of
persecution in the Middle East. Kidnappings, beatings, job
discrimination, sexual assault and even death are common threats to
believers just for being a follower of Christ. However, that
persecution isn't affecting the spread of the Gospel.
In one Middle Eastern country, God's Word is not returning void.
Thanks to World Bible Translation Center (WBTC), Easy-To-Read New Testaments in
the Arabic language are being secretly distributed.
Lives are being changed as a result of the work of faithful believers,
and hearts are being opened to the message of the Gospel. One of the
believers distributing New Testaments in the area met with a religious
elder from one of the tribes. "After we helped his family, he followed
us from home to home to make sure that no one would bother us."
This believer continues, "Some of the people in the area were complaining
about us distributing the New Testaments. He [the elder] told them on our behalf,
‘If you don't take these books, you are an idiot. Jesus is accepted by
Islam; you must believe what he said.' This opened the door for us to
distribute the New Testaments, and [the elder] even asked for some extra copies
so that he could continue distributing after we left."
WBTC ministry partners are hoping to distribute 50,000 Arabic New
Testaments in the region. Since Arabic is the majority language in over
25 different countries in the Middle East, distribution of these New
Testaments would have a significant impact for Christ. It costs just $2
to produce and distribute an Arabic East-To-Read New Testament. Your
gift of $40 can put 20 Arabic New Testaments in the hands of
spiritually-needy Muslims.
Pray that WBTC gets the funds in by May 30, which is their goal
date. Pray also for the safety of the believers handing out the
Scriptures, as they face much persecution and many dangers. Pray that
the Gospel will continue to be shared in the Middle East and that more
hearts will be opened to Christ.
WBTC has set a goal of May 30th to raise $100,000 for this distribution
project. Pray that many believers will respond to this need. Pray also
that believers will be effective in the distribution effort, despite
the threats facing them, and that God would lead many in the Middle
East to Himself.