Help church planters bring the Gospel where it’s never been before

By June 5, 2024

Pakistan (MNN) — Nestled between northern India, Iran, and Afghanistan, Pakistan hosts varied landscapes, hundreds of different people groups, and dozens of languages. AMG International’s Brian Dennett says the religious topography is more uniform.

“There are 240 million people; 98 percent of them are Muslim, and just one percent are Christian,” Dennett says.

Although 99 percent of Pakistan’s people groups are unreached, it’s not easy for believers to share their faith. “The small minority of Christians face discrimination and persecution for their belief in Jesus,” Dennett says.

Pakistan needs Jesus, and AMG plans to reach this nation with the Gospel. “Back in 2018, we started a Bible training school, and we’ve now had 123 graduates, 35 just in this past March,” Dennett says.

“Of those 35, 10 would consider themselves called to be national missionaries. We want to resource them to go out to 50 currently unreached communities.”

Recent grads have a robust support system. “Of these (March) graduates, most came from the more than 50 churches we’ve planted in the last five years,” Dennett says.

(Photo courtesy of AMG International)

Nonetheless, church planters need your help to bring the Gospel where it’s never been before. Connect with AMG here for details. “We’re hoping to raise up self-sustaining churches, but it takes resources to get them going,” Dennett says.

“A gift of just $47 supports a church planter for an entire week; $203 for an entire month.”

Simultaneous efforts to reach unreached people groups in Indonesia are currently underway. Support for these projects enables church planters to move to unreached areas, launch social media campaigns to sow the seed, provide transportation needs, and offer the backing necessary to sustain their mission.

Help church planters begin work in unreached communities in Indonesia and Pakistan.

“In both Indonesia and Pakistan, Christians are suffering,” Dennett says.

“Pray for our brothers and sisters there. Pray that they can get the Gospel out to so many [needing] hope and life transformation that only Jesus can bring.”




Header and story images courtesy of AMG International.

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