Pakistan (MNN) — More than two million people, survivors of the earthquake that hit the Kashmir region of Pakistan, face heavy snow this weekend as unusually cold weather tightens its grip across much of Asia. It could also cause problems for a team from Strategic World Impact heading to the region Sunday.
Needs abound there. SWI’s Kevin Turner says, “They don’t have winterized tents, no stoves for heat or cooking, children without winter clothing. Literally children are standing in the snow without shoes.”
Turner says while this is predominately a Muslim area, he believes Christians can make a difference. “They’re absolutely flabbergasted when they see Christians are coming in to assist them. These people think ‘well, (they’re) Americans; we’re Muslims. They can’t stand us. And so, the fact that we can be in there gives us ample opportunity to proclaim the love of Christ physically and also proclaim it verbally because the Bible says, ‘how shall they know unless they hear.'”
SWI just held a pastors training conference in Pakistan where more than 50 pastors attended. Turner says these men are willing to lay down their lives for the Gospel and it’s not easy. “Some of the pastors are scared and you can understand why. Churches are burned to the ground, people are raped and killed, it’s terrible.”
However, Turner says, “Calamity clarifies. When calamity strikes, it’s the opportunity, it’s the stepping stone for the church to be there and be the body of Christ, ministering to the afflicted, no matter what religion. They are pointing them to the truth.”
Funding is need to help them purchase tents, food, tools, clothing, wood burning stoves and more. Click on the link below to help.