Heart for Lebanon outlines five crisis-response priorities

By September 4, 2024

Lebanon (MNN) — In a world becoming darker by the day, Lebanese believers intentionally shine the light of Christ.

At a recent staff meeting, “We asked ourselves, ‘What is the role of Heart for Lebanon in times of crisis?’” Heart for Lebanon’s Camille Melki says.

“Every couple of years, there’s a different crisis, whether financial [or] the pandemic, deadlock in political groups; we’ve been without a president and a sitting government now for over 18 months.”

(Photo courtesy of Heart for Lebanon)

Together, the team came up with five responses:

  1. Form a community of prayer.
  2. Be messengers of hope.
  3. Live as the hands and feet of Jesus, serving those in need.
  4. Be heralds of peace.
  5. Provide an alternative community.

Melki says Gospel workers are motivated by the needs of their neighbors. “People are living in despair; they’re living in fear,” he explains.

“They’re looking for hope desperately, but there’s only one hope and that’s in Christ.”

According to the World Bank, poverty in Lebanon has tripled over the past decade, reaching 44 percent of the population. Conflict in southern Lebanon has displaced roughly 100,000 people since October.

Daily clashes are ongoing, preventing uprooted families from returning home.

“We cannot be indifferent to the atrocities, to the death, to the destruction that is going [on] everywhere. We have to give a message of peace,” Melki says.

Additionally, “we need to provide an alternative to the community of hatred and anger and [instead] have a community of forgiveness and love.”

Fulfilling the five decrees listed above in times of crisis will position Heart for Lebanon as a beacon of hope. Pray that hurting people will be drawn to their light and find everything they need in Christ.



Header and story images courtesy of Heart for Lebanon.

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