USA (MNN) — The world's largest missions conference is coming up in St.
Louis on December 27-31, and HCJB Global will be there. If you're attending Urbana 09, the InterVarsity Christian
Fellowship triennial missions conference, stop by.
best way to experience Urbana is by attending the multitude of seminars and by developing
new contacts and new friendships," said Christy Chappell, InterVarsity's
communications director for Urbana.
volunteer systems engineer and three missionaries with experience in Ecuador, Latin
America, Ghana, and Australia will share a booth with SIM International at
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's missions conference. HCJB Global and SIM have worked together on a
number of radio and medical projects over the years, especially in Africa.
Nate Dell served among the
Waorani people of Ecuador until his wife's health issues led them to return to
Colorado in 2001. Nate has also been
involved in short-term missions, as well as with healthcare, mass media, and
leadership development in Ghana.
Roger and Lois Reimer will
represent the new Global Involvement department of HCJB Global, which includes
four arenas of opportunity: college
internships, working visitors, ministry teams, and vision journeys. The Reimers began serving in healthcare in Latin
America in the 1970s and have a passion to engage young people with overseas
Amy Wong is a full-time systems
engineer in the communications industry with a drive to use mass media to lead
others to Christ. She will handle the
team's technical concerns at the conference. She has volunteered with HCJB in Colorado Springs, CO; Elkhart, IN; and Australia,
where she spent a year.
The team is eager to get to know
you and answer your questions. It will
also conduct Skype calls with missionaries on three different continents: in Singapore,
Thailand, Malawi, Ghana, and Ecuador.
Mission Network News will be at
Urbana, too. We'll be providing you coverage right here at our Web site, not to
mention on our radio broadcasts. We'll also be posting "Video of the
Day" shots at our Facebook and YouTube sites.
Pray that God will move in the
hearts of many young people this year. There's
still time to register. Click here: http://www.urbana.org/articles/still-time-to-register.