USA (MNN) — New media and mobile health will be the focus of a ministry that's typically synonymous with missionary radio. HCJB Global president Wayne Pederson talks about the year ahead.
"One of the things we're looking at is becoming less organizational and [becoming] more organic," says Pederson. "In the world we're living in, as the culture is changing, the technology is changing, [and] the church is changing, we want to be more nimble."
While they have a plan in place, Pederson says HCJB wants to be ready to follow God's leading when those unknown opportunities arise.
With mobile devices, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other new media exploding around the world, HCJB Global will be focusing on new media with their partners around the world. Pederson says, "We work with our local partners to train them how to do radio, but now we are working to train them how to do the new media — train them in developing countries to use mobile devices to reach their own people with the Gospel."
While HCJB Global plans to use the new media to communicate with friends of the ministry, Pederson says that's not all. "The second part is using the new media to reach people that have never heard of Christ, to reach them with the Gospel. The mobile industry is investing into some of the least-reached places of the world. So we have the opportunity to use social media to touch the least-reached people around the world."
HCJB isn't just investing in media, Pederson says. "In places where we're planting radio stations, we're also bringing in mobile medical teams." That enables HCJB to be the voice and hands of Jesus.
"We're going to be focusing more and more on mobile health care and helping build clinics," adds Pederson. "We're looking at some parts of the world that are closed countries."
While HCJB Global is empowering national believers to do the work, donations help make their work happen. Pederson says the money is used "to provide radio equipment, and to pay the cost of bringing in medical teams and supplies so people can be involved through an awareness — an engagement through prayer and giving."
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