Haiti (MNN) — Today is Mardis Gras, or Shrove Tuesday — the
day before Lent starts (the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday). It's a day of penitence, a time to cleanse
the soul, and a time of serious reflection.
However, Haiti will be entering this period after finally blowing
off some steam with Carnival this year. They are still coping with the devastation of a deadly quake and a
cholera epidemic.
Eva DeHart with For Haiti With Love explains, "The
international community has pretty much gone other directions now. Haiti is
feeling very forgotten again."
Morale was low–a dangerous precedent for the March 20 polls.
"The Haitians felt like they'd been through enough of a year that they needed a
party. The country kind of overruled logic, and it's ‘Party Time.' They're going to do their Carnival time as
sort of an uplifting event to get people's morale back up."
Voters will be electing a new president and a new
Parliament. Those elected will face daunting challenges as Haiti rebuilds
itself. "We just need to keep them in
prayer that somehow they make it through these upcoming days with peace
prevailing over the country."
Tensions remain just below the surface. Haiti must have an elected government that
can help guide reconstruction efforts and priorities for all Haitians. Violence is not far from flashpoint.
For Haiti is praying against unrest, but their team is in the U.S. making a
supply run for the clinic. DeHart says they want to "make
sure that all of our first aid-type supplies are really boosted up so that we're
ready for that event, if it occurs. Other than that, there's not much of a way
to prepare for it."
After the party fades away, the serious side of the season
emerges. People will start preparing
themselves for what will be the first
step in the nation's transformation. The hope of Christ is stronger glue for the community than
people know. "Changes in Haiti are going
to have to take place through the hearts of the Haitian people first. Hopefully, that's the area that we've
entered. Pray that God strengthens His stand through them."