Haiti/USA (MNN) — Eva Dehart would probably be the only person to wish you Merry Christmas this weekend.
That’s because For Haiti With Love’s Christmas in August banquet is coming Monday, August 7. This 35-year-old tradition gives donors a chance to connect with one another, catch up on what For Haiti With Love is doing, and even contribute to the organization’s other festive tradition; a Christmas party for kids in Haiti every December.

Christmas in August Banquet (Photo Courtesy For Haiti With Love)
At the party, “we have the Jesus Film for children in Haitian Creole, so they get the full gospel story and a full meal, then they get a brand new gift before they head for home,” Dehart says. The Christmas in August banquet encourages attendees and even supporters who can’t make it to the fundraiser to donate small toys, toiletries, school supplies and more to give to more than 500 children come December.
It also allows For Haiti With Love to update fellow believers on the work they’re doing across Haiti.
“We’ve got some new programs down there that are pretty exciting, and we will be sharing with the people so that they’ll understand that we’re expanding our outreach and touching more neighborhoods and more people,” Dehart says.

Christmas in Haiti (Photo Courtesy For Haiti With Love)
Want to help? Dehart says For Haiti With Love only exists because of the passion of believers who have come alongside the organization to reach Haiti, and it’s not too late for you to join that crowd. “You can get involved by sending money for us to buy gifts or by sending small gifts that we can include in the shipment to Haiti.”
Even if you can’t commit money, pray that “we can touch the people who come to the party on Monday night to understand the importance of what we’re doing and show them that through For Haiti With Love they’re helping be God’s hands to touch the sick and the hurting in Haiti.”
You can get involved with Christmas in August at their website.