Haiti (MNN) – Yet another storm
system is threatening Haiti, already reeling from three hurricanes and a deadly
tropical storm.
The National Weather Service says
the system is slow-moving but could drop heavy rain. It strengthened suddenly when it reached
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Emergency officials in both the Dominican Republic and Haiti have issued
warnings for heavy rain. Recovery efforts
are already underway, especially in Gonaives, where the water level is decreasing. However, mud remains the main obstacle.
Eva DeHart with
For Haiti With Love says
their greatest concern is resupplying. "Water levels have gone down, so our problems in the north are
isolation. There are only two roads
between Port au Prince and Cap Haitien, and they're both gone."
Traffic from the north to the
south is done in one-man boats across a washed-out road. It's better in the north as people have found
ways to get up and around to the Dominican Republic.
But with every solution, another
problem reveals. DeHart lays the burden
of slow recovery at the government's feet. "For some unknown reason, the
Haitian government has put an edict on the Dominican Republic, that they are
not allowed to bring food or fuel into Haiti."
Until the tangle of the dock
strike clears, the roads are rebuilt and supplies can be brought in through the
Dominican Republic, DeHart says there is no way to bring anything else in.
Shortly before Hurricane Hanna,
For Haiti secured some fuel and extra food packets. They've been using up the food supplies for the
normal food program to just try and keep people alive when there is no food.
The medical clinic also needs to
be resupplied as they have been caring for the sick and injured and other storm
Their reputation as a ministry
who lives and shares the hope of Christ is even more notable now. "People are coming to our gates saying
that For Haiti with Love is the only one helping them. Our staff simply makes it very clear, and the
people getting the food are praising God for the fact that they're getting
Due to anticipated needs once
movement in and out of the country eases, the ministry is raising money for the
shipping costs and additional food and medicine. Click here if you can help.