Uganda (MNN) — Uganda's hailstorms are fierce.
In 2009, a hailstorm in the north destroyed
crops, killed livestock, and left at least 10,000 people affected in an area
recovering from a long dry spell.
Last year, another struck five villages in western Uganda, destroying
crops and property and affecting more than 400 families.
On March 2, a hailstorm hit the community of Kagala-Kikubampanga,
northwest of Uganda's capital, Kampala. Unfortunately, a Compassion project building collapsed during the
hailstorm. As well as being used for the church's services and fellowship
times, the church building was used for the project's lunch hour prayers and
Bible studies.
Plans for reconstructing the original building are underway. The church and Compassion center staff are
modifying a nearby building into a temporary structure. The church plans
to use this temporary structure for church services and center activities until
a permanent one can be built.
Normal Compassion-assisted center activities have resumed, and the children
are studying under the trees.
Please pray
for church as they make decisions on how to rebuild the structure, as well as
where the center should meet during this time.