USA (MNN) — For the second year in a row Cornerstone University’s Grand Rapids Theological Seminary will be holding a symposium this time called, “Counting Sheep, How do we measure missional effectiveness.” It’s all part of their Global Learning Center under the direction of Doctor David Livermoore.
Livermoore says, “I think most of the missions leaders we interact with today are in agreement that it’s more than just counting how many people have been converted, but what is it that you count, should you count and how do you measure faithfulness and those kinds of things.”
The January 24-27, 2007 will give a perspective from the missions agency, the missionary and local church. Livermoore says the Wednesday and Thursday round-table discussion is designed, “To have break-out groups discussing things and trying to move toward a set of best practices. So, we do anticipate having some kind of outcome that we would put in print, at least as a trajectory toward, ‘what are some of the basic guidelines to help a missions organization (and) a local church evaluate effectiveness in missions.”
The round-table is primarily being led by International Director of International Teams, Stephen Freed.
The symposium will conclude Saturday with some short-term missions help for the local church. “We have a free short-term mission summit where we’re specifically trying to ask this question as it relates to short-term missions — how do you do it, how do it well? Our assumption is that there is a place for short-term missions, but we want to ask how we can do it more effectively.”
Registation deadline is January 17 for the Grand Rapids, Michigan based event and the cost is minimal. Click here for more details.