International (MNN) — Nations located between 10 and 40
degrees north of the equator fall into a span dubbed the "10/40
Window." Two-thirds of the global population live within this transom,
and traditionally it has been the primary focus of evangelistic outreach.
of unreached people groups inhabit the 10/40 Window, and approximately half of
these groups have no access to Christian literature.
"It is the most Gospel-deprived, Gospel-needy area of
the world," says David Shibley of Global Advance. "That is why any
mission organization must give clear reference and importance to the 10/40
Window in the fulfilling our Lord's Commission to disciple all the
peoples of the earth."
After nearly a decade of evangelistic focus and effort,
Shibley says the region is producing a harvest. Churches planted throughout the
10/40 Window are now sending their own believers out to plant the Word.
"The Gospel is making in-roads: that is the encouraging
news," he states. "There is now the amazing phenomenon of those new
churches from the 10/40 Window sending missionaries back to the Western world:
back to Europe, and back to the United States."
Global Advance exists to help fulfill the Great Commission
by empowering church and business leaders to evangelize and disciple their
nations. Their Frontline Shepherds leadership conferences impart a vision in
pastors' hearts to further the Gospel in their region. As the Gospel grows
throughout the 10/40 Window, so does the resistance.
"There is a tremendous opposition against the Gospel. I
have met pastors this year who have been imprisoned, who live with constant
threats against their lives for simply proclaiming the Good News of Jesus
While funding for this expensive ministry is desperately
needed, your prayers are essential.
"Certainly we need to pray for courage for our brothers
and sisters in the developing world, that they will winsomely and graciously
continue to open their mouths and be courageous about the Gospel."
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