Canada (JFP/MNN) – You've heard it said that once your eyes are opened on a missions trip, you can never go back to the way life was before it.
That's true of Peggy, a 77-year-old grandmother from Canada. She participated on a JESUS FilmTM summer mission trip to London and distributed JESUS Film DVDs to a group of North Africans.
Whatever her assumptions were beforehand, Peggy said that her views of North Africans changed during the week. God showed her how He sees them. Sharing about a conversation with one veiled woman, she said, "I found out she was a woman just like me! I saw warmth and kindness." Peggy went on to say, "I could have been one of those ladies saying 'No' to the packet. I never want to go back to life as it was before this trip."
Upon returning home, Peggy was so excited that she ordered 800 DVDs to distribute to those in her city. While shopping one day, she met an Asian woman and learned she was from Japan. Peggy gave her a DVD.
Later, she met a woman from the Philippines. "So I gave her one," Peggy stated. Next, Peggy gave one to a Vietnamese bagger at a grocery store. "She gave me a big hug and was so excited [saying,] 'I will listen to it tonight.'"
Another day Peggy visited an ill man and met his caregiver. "I asked where she was from. 'France,' was her reply." She was delighted to receive a DVD and said she would look at it tonight. I have taken DVDs to our Sunday school [class] twice and people have taken them to share with others. We distributed the DVDs at our Good News Club in an elementary school as most of the [students] are from Spanish speaking homes."
Based on the Gospel of Luke, the "JESUS" film has now been translated into more than 1,160 languages, with new languages being added every month. This allows God's Word to speak to people in more than 200 countries in languages they know and understand. By God's grace, it is yielding a spiritual harvest of unprecedented results.
Not only is the story of the "JESUS" film one of effective evangelism, but also a powerful tool for expanding the church worldwide. Hundreds of churches, missions groups and denominational agencies, both indigenous and global, are also seeing this tool ignite the launch and growth of thousands of new churches.
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