International (HCJB) — You can easily spend $50 a month on fast food or Starbucks. Wouldn’t it be great to commit that same amount and see it result in lives transformed by the power of the gospel?
HCJB Global’s passion is making disciples of Jesus Christ. Through the practical tools of media, healthcare, and leadership development, we serve with Christians around the globe to reach the least-reached with the Good News.
People are hearing the gospel for the first time in their heart language in countries like Thailand, Sierra Leone, Peru and Croatia. Lives are being transformed in North Africa and the Middle East through programming on shortwave and satellite radio. Communities in Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Nepal and Haiti are being transformed as clean-water projects and rural healthcare outreaches touch lives.
One radio listener wrote, “A few weeks ago, I was getting ready to commit suicide. Then I had an urge to turn on the radio. Someone was speaking about the hope we have in Jesus. Now I listen to your station because the programming inspires me to live and have hope.”
As a Power Partner, you can rejoice when an individual comes to Christ through our local partner’s radio ministry in Indonesia that your gift helped launch. When a village elder in Ghana reports that since the clean-water well was installed no one in the community has died, you can know that you played a part.
When believers in Central Asia secretly meet and “have church” as they listen to the songs and preaching and read the Bible they downloaded from a website in their language, you can praise God for the powerful way in which your gift made it possible.
Will you become a Power Partner so that people all over the world can hear the Good news and experience God’s Love? Click here to get involved.
Needed for 2013: $291,000