Central Asia (MNN) — In some parts of the world, it can be hard to share the Gospel.

(Photo courtesy Baptist Global Response)
Governments in “restricted access” countries–also known as “creative access” nations–pass and enforce laws to stop Great Commission activity within their borders.
In one such country belonging to the Central Asia region, the Lord is using government to overcome these barriers. Through local officials, “we found an opening to work with prisoners,” shares Baptist Global Response (BGR) Executive Director, Jeff Palmer.
“These are not just ordinary prisoners: they’re women prisoners. In this country, they actually take their children with them, and then they may be in there [for] several years.”
According to Palmer, BGR just funded a new project in a women’s prison that helps with nutrition for female inmates and the children. Working through their partners on-the-ground, BGR will also provide educational opportunities and skills training.
It’s similar to BGR’s prison ministry in other restricted nations. In those locations, “we have found them to be very responsive to any help that we can give them and very responsive to the hope and the Truth that’s in the Gospel.”
Palmer says he expects a similar response in this particular country.
“In the midst of a fairly resistant culture and people group,” he explains, “those who have been rejected by that group [are open to Christ’s love].”

(Photo courtesy BGR)
This new opportunity is literally an answer to prayer. For several years, BGR and their partners have been looking for opportunities to share Christ in this country. They searched, but efforts to find and build meaningful relationships with people always turned up fruitless.
Now, “the government opened up the doors for us to do this,” Palmer says.
“In regular areas of their country, [inmates] would have little-to-no chance to hear [the Gospel]. They’re now in a place where they can receive compassion and hear the Truth of the Gospel for the first time in their life.”
Would you keep this project in your prayers? It’s worth sharing, too; look for the link on our Facebook page.
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