Jordan (MNN) — One ministry is expanding their work to meet the physical and spiritual needs of Syrian refugees. Patrick Klein with Vision Beyond Borders reports Gospel growth among Syrian Muslims.
“God’s at work in these people, and they’re changing,” says Klein. “I think we’re on the verge of seeing many, many Muslims from Syria come to faith in Jesus Christ.”
Klein recently spent time sharing God’s love with Syrian Muslims in Jordan and Lebanon refugee camps. He and VBB’s on-the-ground ministry partners gave food and winter supplies to hundreds of refugees.
“It was really difficult to see some of the situations that these people are living in,” shares Klein.
One couple had cobbled together a shelter from corrugated steel atop another family’s home. When Klein met them, these refugees were burning pieces of furniture to stay warm and cook their food.
“They said their dream was to have a bed someday,” says Klein. “I just thought [of] how blessed we are in America and how we don’t ever worry about these things, but here [were] people…that’d just be grateful to have a bed.”
The high number of handicapped refugees was another startling discovery. An in-country Gospel worker later explained why so many are in the refugee camps.
“The militants just went into the hospitals and ran these people out, kicked them out, so they could have the medicine and supplies for their own people,” Klein recounts.
For all the troubling discoveries made on this trip, one stands as a beacon of hope: Syrian Muslims are open to the Gospel.
“A lot of these people are really open to the Gospel right now. Their whole lives have been completely flipped over, and so they’re searching for the truth,” Klein explains.
“I think as they see [that] Christians are willing to come in and help them, and are committed to them long-term…a lot of them are turning to Christ now.”
VBB plans to send another food container to Syrian refugees in Jordan in a couple of weeks. Click here to help them fill it.
“We’re trying to get rice and beans, white beans, tuna fish, tomato sauce, tomato paste, pasta,” says Klein.
Please pray for the Syrian refugees. Pray the Gospel keeps spreading and introducing the love of Jesus. Pray for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit among those in desperate need.
We are an elderly couple who live in England. Although we will not be able to help you very much financially, we are strong believers that “faith can move mountains” and our faith is that real, honest, open prayer can change anything, although numbers going in the same direction will help, so count us in! As we have said to “Open Doors”, particularly in our giving, our priority is to Christians, as right or wrong as this may be.
I worked with VBB when we went to Romania. WE brought cloths and different items for the Orphanage there. They are an amazing org,. To pray for them and give is what the LORD would have us to do. If you can’t give you can pray.
In Jesus,
Gerry Major
Praise the Lord!
I have been praying, and do pray that the “revolution” in Syria will open the way for the Real Jesus to become known there.
Know a friendly Syrian-American activist that I support, even though Muslim. Yes God is opening doors.