Swaziland (MNN) — In a 300-mile by 300-mile kingdom, the Good News of Jesus is being proclaimed more powerfully than ever.

(Image courtesy of TWR)
Trans World Radio has a long history of sharing the Gospel to South and Southeastern Africa via its transmitter site in Swaziland. For decades, short-wave transmitters have reached thousands. And now, a powerful AM radio transmitter has been installed so the message of hope may reach even more people.
Lauren Libby, President of TWR, says everything about the relationship between the ministry and Swaziland is “almost a miracle standard,” even down to the sand used in building the transmitter site.
“They were looking to build a transmitter site on a 200-acre tract of land, so there wasn’t sand to be had, and the question was, ‘Where are we going to find it? How do we truck it in? Do we have enough money to do that?’ In the process of that, there was a huge flood that came through Swaziland. After the flood subsided, there literally was enough sand on the beach of a creek that runs through the property – just the right size, just the right consistency to be able to build concrete. And there it was, sitting there for the TWR engineers to use. When you think about that, that is almost miraculous status.”

(Image courtesy of TWR)
TWR has been constantly upgrading its broadcasting facilities around the world as it talks to 165 nations each day in 230 languages.
“As we looked at Southern and Southeastern Africa, one of the things we realized is short-wave is a very effective tool, but a lot of people listen to medium-wave, which we would call AM, in the United States.”
TWR located a 100,000-watt transmitter in Germany, and was able to purchase it for pennies on the dollar. Libby says he feels that in itself is another miraculous opportunity. “You just don’t buy an over one million dollar transmitter for 10 cents on the dollar. Now we’re able to talk to most of Southern and Southeastern Africa on AM radio.”
Libby says he believes the time is ripe for even more people to hear the Gospel. “The big motivation for us, of course, is the Great Commission, that Jesus said to go to the whole world. As we look at the world today, with increasing isolationism, we look at the political situation with people being forbidden to share their faith by law in a number of countries now, then media begins to take up an even bigger space in terms of talking to people about who Jesus is. And so, as we look at the future, we say ‘Well, if things are closing down and getting tighter, then media becomes more and more of an option to talk to people about the Great Commission.’”

(Image courtesy of TWR)
The impact of what has taken place in Swaziland is a powerful one, according to Libby. “As the Kingdom of God expands, the entire body of Christ benefits. When you have an expansion in the Kingdom of God, and the ability to talk to people and equip people in their faith, it has a tremendous impact, and the Gospel impacts society.”
He asks that people pray now for that impact to continue. “I think life is very tough for believers, getting tougher for believers in a lot of countries. And I think what we need to pray is people would be strengthened in their faith. As they move into an environment which is not necessarily Gospel-friendly, that Jesus would use them in an unusual way as a light in the midst of that culture to penetrate it for the Good News.”
Libby reflects on the generosity of donors from the United States, Western Europe, and Asia as the celebration continues in Swaziland.
“When Gods people come together to accomplish something, that is a powerful moment. And this is one of those powerful moments.”
Visit TWR’s website for more information on the work being done around the world.
Great news, Lauren. We rejoice with you. So good to see the Gospel continue to spread!
A team of 9 women from 5 states in the U.S. just returned from working together in the Christ-centered community of Bulembu, in the mountains near Pigg’s Peak. As we worked with the administration and staff to help impact and improve the lives of 400 orphans and their numerous caregivers, we came to believe firmly that Swaziland is a beachfront in God’s war against the forces that prevent the Gospel from spreading in vulnerable southern Africa. Thank you for the work TWR does! MW
I agree with Marla Webb that “Swaziland is a beachfront in God’s war against the forces that prevent the Gospel from spreading in vulnerable southern Africa.” Swazi people have suffered immeasurably over the last few decades. TWR’s message and partnerships in country offer daily encouragement and resources to church leaders seeking to provide a collective witness and practical life-saving help in this pandemic region.
Great news my friend.
“With our God we can leap over a wall..”
Miss our times together.