China (MNN) — The Gospel should have no boundaries or problems of being moved around, yet in many areas it does. But thanks to Christian Resources International (CRI), the Gospel is going mobile and is introduced to a number of nations and societies that have never seen a Bible or a Christian book.

(Photo courtesy of Christian Resources International)
In a number of cases, some Christian churches may be planted, but don’t have a written guide.
“There are 122,000 people who are getting saved or giving their lives to the Lord everyday, but the majority of those people are attending a church where the pastor does not even own a Bible” says CRI’s Jason Woolford.
With your help, CRI has sent millions of dollars worth of used Christian books and Bibles to many of these leaders. And, they have some upcoming shipments.
“This next two weeks, we’re sending five sea containers–that’s approximately $3 million used-book value of Bibles and Christian books. [They’re] going to Ghana, Kenya, but most importantly–the one that we’re talking about right now–is Hong Kong.”
A majority of religious people in Hong Kong follow traditional Chinese religions like Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, reports InterNations. There are only about 840,000 Christians, but with more Christian books and Bibles available, the Word will help believers grow in their faith and share it with others.
This week, CRI is sending out its 4th shipment to Hong Kong. There’s a lot of hype about it among the people.

(Photo courtesy of Christian Resources International)
Books and Bibles are sent in English, and while the nation is known for speaking both Chinese and English, a number of citizens actually prefer English-written books. “We’re told by some of the missionaries on the ground that [the people consider] it even more priceless that it’s a Bible in English,” Woolford says.
The ministry lines up and down the street with loads of Christian books and Bibles, inviting anyone to come and take them for free.
The people aren’t the only ones who have noticed, however.
“It’s had such an impact that the followers of Islam are now trying to copycat our ministry and do the same thing with the Quran and other things of that religion. And so, we know that we’re having an impact because they’re trying to beat us at our own game, so to speak.”
It takes roughly $10,000 to send a shipment of books, but each container holds about half a million dollars worth of books, making each book average around 30 cents.
Have you ever wanted to minister to someone on the other side of the world but didn’t have the means to do so? Become a book missionary with CRI, and you’ll be able to do exactly that. Click here and send in your gently-used Christian books and Bibles to make a difference.
My great desire is to see Bibles, the pure Word of God, flowing into every corner of the globe in this very last moment before the Lord Jesus Christ comes in power and glory through those clouds. For this I pray, and I act on the word that says, “My people perish without knowledge.” But what stops me here is that there will be many other ‘Christian’ books sent with them. The Bible is all they need. It is our blueprint, not the doctrine and teachings of man we have turned God’s Word into.
Long ago the Lord gave me a dream. In the dream I saw books, books, books. They were ‘Christian’ books, so many I could not count them. And they were on every subject: prayer, the Holy Spirit, salvation, and every conceivable subject in between. The dream came with this caution from the Lord. No matter how great they look, most of these teachings of man are THEO (God)-LOGICAL (earthy, of then intellect)written in with the wrong wisdom: the science of God. They are demonic.
Later this same year, the Lord took me out of all of the teachings of man, and every denomination, including the ones I’d been raised with. Armed only with His precious Word, and taught and coached by Him, no longer man’s doctrinal teachings, but through His anointing
alone, that same anointing which John wrote about in 1 John when he said, “You have no need for any man to teach you…” The Lord raised me up out of a death bed, and healed me of over 30 sicknesses and diseases, loosed me from the power of demons, delivered me and freed me from every addiction, from medicine, and transformed my heart from the inside out, so that I could testify for Him to every believer and unbeliever worldwide.
These souls need Bibles. This is a longing so strong in my heart. It is their blueprint.What they do not need is denominational teachings. The Bible is the only blueprint they need. Yes, those of us who are called to preach and teach, to correct, to encourage, and warn are needed. But not all those other books. The Western Christian has not thrived on them. They do not even, for the most part, believe in miracles for today, or in the power of God. In fact, many of them have grown quite cold, and this is because the focus has been placed on denominational books and literature instead of the Saviour who still does everything with the same awesome power that He used in Bible days, because He, Jesus, is the same yesterday, today and forever.
I am so in favour of seeing those Bibles (in every form) flow into Hong Kong, but not other books, many of which put God in a neat little box, and deny the power thereof. I urge you to lose the other books and let those Bibles flow. This is God’s will to see the glory of the knowledge of God in the face of Christ Jesus filling up this entire earth and replacing the teachings of man’s science of God
Lose those other books, and I will add my support to making your desire of Bibles flowing into a Hong Kong a reality, because for this I work and pray, just like you do.