Middle East (MNN) — As the world wonders what will happen with Middle East peace, Christians aren’t waiting. Believers are playing an active part in telling the Arab world about the peace that can only can from Jesus Christ. Peace that is eternal. Book of Hope International is a major part of that effort.
A Book of Hope worker, we’ll call Joseph for security reasons, says the church is using the Book of Hope, a harmony of the Gospels, to preach this message. “We are a Christian ministry in the Middle East working with the churches and with the schools. And, we have integrated the Book of Hope in our children clubs and training for childrens workers.”
While the Book of Hope has only been in distribution for a year, Joseph says they’ve seen success. “We were able to distribute 39,000 books in about six countries. All the books that have been sent to these Arab countries have been cleared by the customs. So, we are not smuggling any Books of Hope into any Arab countries.”
As persecution increases against Christians Joseph is asking Christians to pray. “It’s not easy to stay there, but we have a ministry, we have a mission, we have a calling from the Lord to do our job there.” They can only do that work as they’re able to stay.
While distribution is important, that’s only a part of the work. “They present a 45 minute program to the children with a Christian message. It’s attractive. It has drama, music, puppets, clowning, story telling and at the end of each program, each child receives copies of the Book of Hope.”
$1 provides a Book of Hope to three children. It’s a great project for a Sunday School class, small group or Bible study group. Pray that many would respond to the need.