Middle East (MNN) — Where does our faith come from? It comes from God, right?
And if you’ve been keeping up with the story of Mariam Ibraheem, then you know what a testimony her story is to God’s providence in times of need.
But Ibraheem’s story isn’t over, and neither is yours. The following is a letter from the executive director of Women for Middle East HOPE, an international initiative of SAT-7, a Christian Satellite television ministry to the Middle East and North Africa.
Dear Friends,
If you happened to see the television interview last week with Mariam Ibraheem, you witnessed a riveting, powerful testimony of one woman’s great faith and courage! (If you missed it, don’t worry—you can catch it on YouTube through our Women for Middle HOPE Web site.)
Mariam was interviewed by Fox News host Megyn Kelly for the first time since her release from prison in Sudan. We have been following Mariam’s story and praying for her ever since we learned that she was jailed solely because of her Christian faith. Mariam, the mother of a toddler, gave birth to her second child while in prison—with her ankles chained. When word of her mistreatment got out, Christians around the world rallied and prayed and called for her release. Finally, in June, a Sudanese Appeals Court made the decision to set her free!
Now living in New Hampshire with her husband–an American citizen since 2005–and their two children, Mariam still has a heart for the people of her homeland, especially the women and children. She is a strong advocate for freedom to follow the religion of one’s own choice and points out that she is not the only woman to suffer from this problem. She says, “There are many Mariams in Sudan and throughout the world. It’s not just me.”
While in prison, Mariam was heavily pressured to renounce her Christian faith and convert to Islam. She refused to do that, saying, “I have always been a Christian… I had my trust in God. My faith was the only weapon that I had in these confrontations… Faith means life. If you don’t have faith, you are not alive.”
Mariam embodies the need, the purpose, and the spirit of Women for Middle East HOPE! At the end of the interview, she thanked the Fox News audience for their support and then told Megyn Kelly, “I still need support–I need prayer!”
Mariam and her Christian sisters around the world will be lifted up in prayer on Sunday, November 2, 2014, as SAT-7 and Women for Middle East HOPE co-sponsor a Worldwide Day of Prayer, specifically focused on the women and girls of the Middle East and North Africa. I hope you will partner with us in this Day of Prayer and that you will encourage your church or your small group to get involved, as well. See the links provided below.
Debbie Brink
Executive Director
Women for Middle East HOPE
Click HERE to see Mariam’s powerful interview.
Click HERE to join Women for Middle East HOPE if you have not already done so.
How could I not, but jot my feelings down,
To my Maker enthroned, wearing a crown.
He’s always an answer to my every prayer,
An anchor to my thoughts, they can never err.
I look for cases, I can present to Him,
He’s my lawyer, high priest, who pleads my plea.
There’s never a day, He’s not answered me,
My eyes well up, at His kindness to me.
Miriam’s story hoisted everywhere,
A pregnant mother, in a brutal land.
She was caged in a cell, for endorsing her faith,
Emanuel stepped in, amidst a huge rampage.
Her tormentors tormented her day and night,
To renounce her faith, in Jesus Christ.
She stood her ground in the face of death,
What a testimony for the world, that has gone so stray.
I’m swept in awe, as I wept to Him,
To release this mother, so she’d live in peace.
His awesome ways, silenced her foes,
Heads bowed in shame, while the world stands aglow.
This reminds me today of Mary Magdeline,
Who was brought to be stoned, for she lived in sin.
But our merciful Savior made world history,
What He wrote on sand, made them drop their stones.
Who am I, I wonder, that He always hears,
I’m just a human, purchased, made whole.
He’s God my Creator, He sure knows me well,
He’s my rampart for sure, I’m disheartened no more.
I exalt Him, for there’s none like Him,
Be it Geeta or Koran, they mention Him.
This lion of Judah is coming soon……Amen
To carry me home, to this place called “Shalom”
Jeremiah 17:8 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its root by the river, and will not fear when heat comes…nor will cease yielding fruit.”