Middle East (MNN) — Imagine a dingy one-room shack, home to
a family of six. Cardboard carpets the floors, and ripped plastic covers the
single window to prevent a few insects from joining the dozens already buzzing
about the room. A warped, stained couch slumps against one wall, and a couple of boxes serve as kitchen cabinets. A stove no more than two feet high joins the
boxes to complete the "kitchen."
Impoverished families across the Middle East live in such
condition–or worse. Some are not even fortunate enough to have something as permanent
as a shack. However, regardless of their lack of money and living conditions,
they happily open up their homes to visitors, sometimes complete strangers.
Most women make a fresh pot of coffee every morning just in case someone stops
over that day. Guests are given plenty of tea and coffee, as well as food from the
family's meager supply.
One man with Pioneers USA said he loves these visits and the
incredible sense of welcome he feels when he enters these humble homes. Though he
usually tries to decline food, one family he once visited caught and
slaughtered their goat for his meal before he could even sit down.
Each of his visits is a pleasure, but some are
even better when the name of Jesus Christ comes up. He has been amazed several
times to learn that God was working in the hearts of people even his arrival.
One sick man asked him what happens after death, and they
talked openly about a relationship with Christ.
One woman recognized the name Jesus Christ when he brought
it up and said she used to listen to programs about Him on her radio. When he asked
her why she stopped listening, she explained her batteries for her radio had
died and she could not afford to buy more. The Pioneer was able to supply her with
batteries, and she is now listening to programming about Christ again.
Such stories remind Christians of Christ's sovereignty and
how He works in people's lives before we ever get to touch those people.
Pray that this Pioneer will continue to fertilize the seeds God
has already planted in the hearts of so many across the Middle East and
throughout the world. Pray that these seekers will accept the message and love of
Christ that will transform their lives.
Click here to join in Pioneers' ministry and the work Christ
is doing in the Middle East.