God provides new aircraft to speed Bible translation

By April 14, 2004

USA (MNN) — It’s proof that God will supply all our needs. He’s help a missionary service organization with needed aircraft to help with Bible translation around the world. The need was more than four-million dollars.

JAARS which speeds Bible translation by providing quality services for Wycliffe Bible Translators and others, announced this week that God has met their need of three aircraft. JAARS David Bothwell says, “One of them was a helicopter for Papua New Guinea. The other two were new aircraft needed in one of our programs in the South Pacific. And, God has brought all of those aircraft to be fully funded during this year.”

Transportation service is just a part of the work of JAARS. Bothwell says, “Much of the areas where the Bible translators work, that we’re supporting, are in areas of the world that are very difficult, if not impossible to reach. And so, these aircraft are making it possible to do the work as well as speeding the work.”

The helicopter is being retooled and should be in service by mid-year. The two airplanes should be ready to be used by the third and fourth quarters respectively. The new aircraft bring to 37 the total number craft in the JAARS fleet.

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