Europe (MNN) — Evangelist Sammy
Tippit just wrapped up a conference with Persian Christians in Europe. Tippit spoke to participants of the Thirsty
conference about the necessity of a move of God's Spirit in the hearts of
followers of Jesus.
Attendees came from Germany, Norway,
Netherlands, France, Great Britain, and even from the United States.
Many spoke of what God had been doing in their lives, and others revealed that
God had given them a fresh vision of their need to seek Him.
The messages preached will be aired
to believers throughout Europe and the Middle East. Tippit's heart for these people has increased during his
ten years of ministry. In
keeping with the desire to disciple them in hostile areas, the Tippit ministry team has
developed a Website, produced books, held conferences and broadcast television
programs for Persian believers.
Tippit said, "There is a great work
of God's Spirit among the Persian people. We must pray for them and do
everything we can to assist in the discipleship of these new believers. It is a
very encouraging thing to see what is happening among Persians around the
Keep praying for Persian Christians
and for those who are involved with the discipleship of new believers.