International (MNN) — Tomorrow is dedicated to teaching Christians all over the world how to share their faith, and then mobilizing them to do it. It’s the sixth annual Global Outreach Day.
Global Outreach Day
The vision behind Global Outreach Day is to have every believer in Christ sharing the Gospel story on the last Saturday of May. But they also want to get people to do this every year. This day recognizes that for some, sharing the Gospel is new territory.
On Global Outreach Day’s website, the ministry reports that 93 percent of Church members have never shared the Gospel. In a sense, the Church has become a sleeping giant, and Global Outreach Day is a catalyst to wake it up.
The International President of Global Outreach Day Werner Nachtigal shares:
“You know, very often Christians have no clue how to evangelize. They’re doing mistakes and then people would say, ‘No, no, leave me alone.’ And they will think it’s not my calling, not my anointing.”
But, we’re all called to share the Gospel. And Global Outreach Day’s training resource helps Christians worldwide do just that. In fact, it just involves three simple steps:
- How to start a conversation
- How to share the Gospel
- How to lead somebody to Jesus
How it Works
Furthermore, Nachtigal says there is no single method that works for the whole world. In Germany, where Nachtigal is from, and in America, there is a lot of freedom to share. But that same freedom doesn’t necessarily exist in places like Pakistan or even in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Still, Global Outreach Day’s training resource is effective and has even received praise from Vice President of Networks and Partnerships for Cru, Paul Eshleman.
Plus, Global Outreach Day has seen eight million commitments to Christ in the last six years and has outreaches in 140 countries. And in 2016, the ministry activated 10 million Christians to share the Gospel.
“It’s a huge Gospel movement but with a goal to mobilize the Church for evangelism. To train them, but we don’t train Christians for one day. We train them for a lifestyle,” Nachtigal says.
“Steve Douglas said, if they have a good experience that day, they will go on sharing the Gospel. So, this is the plan. To mobilize them for a day, but then to see Christians sharing the Gospel once a week, once a month…on a regular [basis].”
Still don’t think evangelism is for you? Think again. Because any Christian can share Christ.
“I’ve seen a young girl in Germany, she said, ‘I was too shy to talk to people. I thought evangelism was for Billy Graham and Reinhard Bonnke, but for sure not for me.’ In one day, after the training, she led five people to the Lord in Germany on the streets,” Nachtigal recalls.
“So, we believe that if we train Christians and they know how to talk to people, they will lead people to the Lord.”
Be Prayerful, Be Active
However, at Global Outreach Day their sights are set in the future. In 2020, the ministry hopes to mobilize 100 million Christians around the world to reach one billion people with the Gospel. Will you be a part of it by participating in the Global Outreach Day of 2018 tomorrow?
Learn more about Global Outreach Day and get the training resource here!
And finally, pray for Global Outreach Day. Pray that the Church would rise up and boldly, but lovingly, to proclaim the truth of the Gospel. Ask God that hearts would be softened and people would believe in Christ and His truth. And pray that this movement would continue to grow and mobilize the Church to evangelize every day, not just once a year.
*Global Outreach Day is currently planning major kick-off events with Louis Palau, Joyce Meyer, and Christ for All Nations (CfaN). The ministry is also partnered with International House of Prayer (IHOP), Youth With A Mission, CRU, and many more.