USA (GHR/MNN) — It’s that time of year again in the United States: nights are getting chillier, and moms nationwide are starting to plan the big Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts. It’s also when Southern Baptists draw attention to the global hunger crisis.
One-sixth of the world’s population is undernourished, and nearly 16,000 children die every day from hunger-related causes: that’s one kid every five seconds. In the U.S., an estimated 35% of poor families are forced to choose between buying food and paying their rent. One of every four people in a major U.S. city soup kitchen line is a child.
Through their Global Hunger Relief initiative, Southern Baptists are mobilizing churches nationwide to end hunger in the U.S. and overseas through partners like International Mission Board (IMB) and Baptist Global Response (BGR). All projects supported by this initiative focus on sharing God’s love through word and deed.
Global Hunger Relief’s “Hunger Happens Everywhere” theme shows how people can help meet specific hunger needs in Syria and Appalachia.
Global Hunger Relief: Syria
Recent ISIS advances in Syria forced another 130,000 thousand people to flee the war-torn country. Approximately 9.3 million Syrians are displaced, both inside the country and outside.
Using Global Hunger Relief funds, IMB and BGR are providing food parcels and hygiene kits to Syrian refugee families in need.
Global Hunger Relief: Appalachia
Chronic hunger is a major problem in the Mississippi River Valley and the Appalachian Mountains. Impoverished children in these regions suffer the most, and their malnourishment leads to difficulty in school.
Southern Baptists have made neglected communities in the greater Appalachia area the focus of their LoveLoud outreach. Besides food items provided with Global Hunger Relief funds, believers provide “Christmas backpacks” filled with school supplies, hygiene items, and small toys.
Global Hunger Relief and you
Southern Baptists aren’t sharing these projects just to inform you; being part of the Great Commission means taking action.
First of all, pray. Pray that the hunger needs of people in the U.S. and overseas are alleviated through this initiative. Pray that hearts become receptive to Christ and His message of hope when basic needs are met.
Secondly, advocate. With a Global Hunger Relief kit, you can add a global perspective to your church’s Fall Festival or “Trunk or Treat” event. On the flip-side, if your congregation already focuses on global hunger with World Hunger Sunday or a similar event, the kit can help promote a local food drive component.
Thirdly, give. Beyond prayer and spreading awareness of global hunger, you can take action by giving to Southern Baptist ministries. Support Syrian refugees through BGR, or fight U.S. hunger through the North American Mission Board.