International (MNN) — These certainly are exciting times for the Great Commission. Developments like the Global Bible Network are making our job as believers easier than ever before.

Faith Comes by Hearing (FCBH) VP Troy Carl says they are working on a digital network that uses mobile devices, satellites, and language-recognition to deliver God’s Word to every person on earth.
“The whole idea is to connect the unconnected,” says Carl.
“This kind of technology isn’t just for our particular type of distribution, but it actually will create a whole new kind of phone network and other types of communication networks that we’re going to see in the next few years.”
Through the FCBH Bible.is app, smartphones can connect to one another and share Scripture in any number of heart languages–without using the Internet or a data plan.
“Just like when you want something you look at your phone, you talk to your phone and it searches and brings you that content: someday, it’s going to bring you the Word of God,” says Carl.
Better yet, under the “private” setting, Scripture can be passed through multiple phones without revealing what it is. That will make evangelistic activities in countries like North Korea or Iran, where sharing the Gospel can get you killed, much easier.

(Graphic courtesy FCBH)
“It’s kind of like sending a message along the Pony Express,” Carl explains. “The Pony Express rider goes to the different locations, and then he has an opportunity to [do one of four things]: forward the message; unpack the message; deliver it to the person; or, cancel the message.
“That’s what a Delay-Tolerant Network, or a Mesh Network, does on-the-ground. We simply send information from one device to another device to another device, until it gets to the intended recipient.”
The good news doesn’t stop there.
The Global Bible Network
What use would a Bible app have if it could only deliver God’s Word in English? In order to reach everyone who needs the Lord, FCBH is leveraging their growing database of Bible recordings.

“In recent days, we’ve been able to develop what we’re calling a Language-Recognition Algorithm,” shares Carl.
“We’ve been able to teach a computer how to recognize what language [is being spoken] and then intelligently route biblical content to that person based on the language they’re speaking.
“It’s an absolute game-changer, and I believe it’s a fulfillment of prophecy.”
Referencing passages like Habbakuk 2:14 and Matthew 24:14, Carl observes, “The Greek word [used for ‘nations’ is] ‘epnos‘: language, tribe, tongue.
“One day – and, I believe, in our lifetime — every language, every tribe, every tongue, will have free and open and easy access to the Word of God in their own language.”
The Global Bible Network is a technological development that FCBH can only produce with outside help. “God has brought together one of the most amazing, capable teams of experts that will help us build this particular system,” states Carl.
“They’re the ones that have said, ‘Troy, this is not impossible…. The military’s been doing this kind of thing for a long time; now we get to use our gifts and talents for the Kingdom of God.”

(Photo courtesy FCBH)
Here’s how you can pray for the team as they find ways to leverage technology for the Great Commission:
- Ask the Lord to give the FCBH team wisdom and insight as they develop the Global Bible Network.
- Pray for the protection and health of team members. Pray they will not be overburdened or distracted from what God has willed.
- Pray for the salvation of unreached people who will have access to God’s Word through the Global Bible Network.
Stay up-to-date on the latest Global Bible Network developments here.
Seeing 10 different versions of the Good Book offered in English alone and, given that there are hundreds more interpretations in circulation, it would seem the effort would be more forthright if the branding reflected this plurality, e.g.:
The “Global Bibles Network” is offering their “Bibles.Are” app…
I’m already praying day and night. Have been since October 2012 when the Lord Jesus raised me up to open the door for Him. On that night, He healed me of over 30 sicknesses and diseases (life-threatening ones too that the world’s medical system could not heal or even make better). I was delivered from demons. I was freed. My heart was transformed by the power of the Living God. Since then I have been praying for the world to be filled with the glory of the knowledge of God in the face of Christ Jesus. I’ve prayed that the Word of God will flood into every corner of the globe. Every bit of prophecy on this very last day before Jesus returns to the place He left, has happened, is happening right now, or is about to happen, exactly like He said. 100%. Every bit of prophetic word the Lord Jesus has given to me about this time has either already happened, is happening right now, or is about to happen. I am awed by all He is doing, all of these great and mighty things. His Word set me free. His Word will set many free. I’m praying, yes. You can be sure of that. What else can I do besides?