Burkina Faso (MNN) — Amidst greed and corruption often found in developing nations, Global Advance desires to impact business-people through their Marketplace Missions conferences.
The goals of those conferences are to train and equip marketplace leaders in developing nations. They’ve seen great success over the years. Global Advance’s David Shibley says, “God is doing something, obviously, in the marketplace in a very profound way. And now to see it happen internationally, in many nations, I believe it’s part of God’s plan for the fulfilling of the Great Commission.”
During a pilot conference in Burkina Faso a few years ago, Shibley reports that “20 Muslim businessmen came to conference saying ‘we just want to know what the Bible said about ethics and business integrity,’ and 7 of those men opened their hearts to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior as a result of that conference.”
“One thing we had not anticipated is the evangelistic impact that these conferences can make around the world,” says Shibley, and that kind of response has directed future conferences as they continue to reach out with this strategic training and mobilizing God’s people.
Over 400 businessmen and women have already registered for their Burkina Faso conference this month, and it’s expected to be the largest one they’ve ever conducted. There’s tremendous excitement on the ground, says Shibley, “We believe that God is going to raise up through these conferences, Great Commission-hearted businessmen and women in the developing nations of the world. They in turn will develop their businesses as Great Commission companies that will not only fund the Gospel but will be salt and light in the marketplace in their nation.”
Shibley asks for prayer for the upcoming conferences and for those who attend them, “Please pray that marketplace ministers-we call them, Christian businessmen and women in the developing nations of the world-will stand with real integrity in the marketplace. Part of the challenge is the tremendous greed and often the corruption that is inbred in the system of many of these nations. Pray that there will be a new kind of Christian businessperson emerge, that will model Godliness and righteousness, Biblical integrity and that the Lord will smile on these businesses and on these businesspersons, and that they would have the wherewithal to advance the Gospel.”
If you would like more information on Global Advance’s Marketplace Missions Conferences, go to their website by following the link provided below.