International (MNN) — With 2013 edging near, what's on the horizon for missions?
"We believe some of the things the Lord will have us involved in are genuinely historic," says David Shibley with Global Advance.
"We've seen not just new churches planted, but literal church-planting movements emerge out of our training sessions throughout the years, and we're very confident that we're going to see that in the upcoming year as well."
One new project will bring pastors from warring nations onto neutral territory. This common ground will facilitate more than just encouragement and training.
"We believe the Church is at the center of the reconciling of peoples together," Shibley says. "That's what our Lord called us to do, and what the apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 5: we're ministers of reconciliation."
When faced with the very real possibility of every language group having access to God's Word by 2033, Shibley says it's an exciting time to be involved with Great Commission work.
"We're very grateful to live at this time of history, and to name the name of Jesus in particular," he says, "and to spread His wonderful Good News."
One of their newest projects, Christ to the World, is expected to help missions "hit the ground running" in 2013.
Shibley says, "100% of the offering goes to mission projects around the world. It's going to be a tremendous opportunity for churches to be planted, for missionaries to be blessed, for hungry to be fed, [and] for poor to be clothed."
Pray for Kingdom work around the world, and ask the Lord to protect His servants.
"There's volatility in everything that we do, and certainly we need to be praying for safety for our teams," says Shibley. In addition, "Pray that God's Spirit will direct us and anoint us, and that there'll be genuine, measurable advance for the cause of Christ."