India (MNN) — Thousands of people died in India last year simply for lack of proper clothing or coverings. Global Action is taking care to ensure this does not happen again.
"This year we are trying to provide 10,000 blankets," says Global Action's Lars Dunberg. "Last year, over 10,000 people froze to death, and we're trying to avoid that this year. So we go into these villages. We have done a study beforehand, and we know what people are the most needy."
Global Action began its work a few days ago, distributing blankets to those in need. Many who have received blankets so far are elderly and have had tears streaming down their faces as they thank the teams providing for them.
Distribution teams have been accompanied by Global Action's India Hope Center choir, a choir made up of orphans who have been transformed by the love of Christ. Dunberg says the choir quickly attracts crowds of 200-300 people.
Once the team has people's attention, the Gospel message is shared. Someone from the India Hope Center will stand up, tell the creation story, and explain that their team is handing out blankets because of their love for the individuals, which comes from Christ.
"So the Gospel is shared with them in an inoffensive way (all of these people are Hindus or Muslims)," says Dunberg. "Then they hear that we have come to share that love with them and we express it by giving them a blanket with no strings attached whatsoever."
Distribution teams will go from village to village two weeks at a time, doing mostly back-to-back trips through January. Teams are made up mostly of volunteers from the U.S., the UK and Sweden. Teams distribute blankets and visit the India Hope Center, getting the chance to meet the orphans that live there and hear testimonies of how the Lord has transformed their lives. There is still room on one trip that leaves just after Christmas in December and on another that leaves in early January. To request more information on getting involved, click here.
The actual blankets cost only $5.00 to make and distribute. Global Action has raised funds for 80,000 blankets but still hopes to get money for 2,000 more. If you would like to buy a blanket and save a life in India, click here.