United States (MNN) – If you’re an American, you’ve probably just barely finished Thanksgiving dinner. In fact, you’ve still got leftovers crowding the shelves in the fridge.
Stores opened early Thursday, so maybe you’ve joined in the shopping marathon that spilled over to Black Friday, taking advantage of all the holiday deals. Then, there’s Cyber Monday…the online retailers’ version of Black Friday (a day when retailers hope to go into the black in their accounting books).
Feel over-commercialized yet? How about participating in Giving Tuesday? Non-profit charities like Food for the Hungry are participating in the second annual #GivingTuesday event today.
What is it? 03 December is a day where charities and individuals can come together to celebrate the act of giving. The hope is that #GivingTuesday will become a nationally recognized day, similar to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
It will kick off the season of giving that already exists with Christmas. Here, however, the focus will be on people in need instead of family members.
When charities participate, they have the opportunity not only to celebrate giving, but also to raise awareness for what they do. You could call it a day of extra giving.
Any non-profit charity, or entity backing a non-profit charity can partner with #GT by committing to a project for the day. The charities are then supposed to advertise what they’re doing on social media sites.
This is especially crucial for Christians who want to obey God’s command to reach out to the lost. Many of these partners are Christian charities who are able to share the Gospel while demonstrating God’s love. The giving movement of #GivingTuesday raises opportunities to share the love of Jesus with entire communities who would otherwise never know it.
One ministry devoted to sharing the Gospel is Food for the Hungry. By partnering with the #GT movement, they can create a bigger impact on the world in the name of God. One way they do this is by helping communities escape harsh lifestyles.
They are a ministry that utilizes innovative techniques in order to help more people long-term. Their projects bring innovation to impoverished people, helping break the cycle of poverty. Some of their projects include building wells and schools, and teaching farming practices and healthy habits. All these things teach the needy how to be self-sustaining and to break out of a harsh lifestyle. Your help could impact entire communities for the better.
So how can you help? Start by posting about #GT on your social media sites. You can always pray that many would feel led to give today and hereafter, and the impact would be felt on a physical and spiritual level. Check out #GivingTuesday’s site to see what charities are participating. Click here to find out how you can give to Food for the Hungry.