There is excitement buzzing in the hallways of Food for the Hungry. Months have passed and now Hope Tree is finally coming together this week.
As Food for the Hungry makes it their goal for children in poverty to be sponsored, Hope Tree is a unique way a church can worship Christ at Christmas. By responding to the needs of children living in poverty, the door to sharing the gospel with these kids is opened as well as giving them a gift.
Hosting a Hope Tree is easy. Tree decorations are sent to your church with child sponsorship packages. All your church has to do is provide a Christmas tree. Hooks and bows are included for the child’s picture to be hung on the tree. Then, during your Sunday service, a slideshow of the children will be shown.
Churches all over the United States have ordered their Hope Tree boxes. As this Christmas season is underway, will you be a part of the gift of hope to a child in poverty? There are many kids all over the world looking for the little glimmer of hope, and you can be the one to give it.
Ordering a Hope Tree box by November 18 will ensure delivery before Advent begins. You and your congregation can be the ones who sponsor the gift of hope this Christmas. To order a Hope Tree box, click here.
Pray this ministry will light a fire in churches all over the United States. Pray many children will have the gift of hope this Christmas. Pray lives will be impacted through Christ.