Haiti (MNN) — Gang wars in Haiti killed 200 and displaced 16,000 in the month of May alone. Heavily armed gangs continue battling across the capital city, Port-au-Prince.
Haiti lost its president in an assassination last year, creating a power vacuum.
Roseline DeHart of For Haiti with Love says, “The gang violence is causing everybody to disperse. People are leaving the South to come up to the North. Cap Haitien is filling up with people. There were rumors of the gangs coming up to Cap Haitien. But the police went in and cleaned them out.”
Despite the lack of gang violence, DeHart says many people in Cap Haitien are desperately hungry. “The harder it gets in America, it’s even harder in Haiti. Because nobody is going down and nobody is sending anything. Donations are down. Food is getting very expensive. A lot of people go hungry.”
“For Haiti with Love has food packets that we distribute, but we can’t help everybody.”
Plus, Cap Haitien has a fuel shortage. People tend to stock it up in their homes whenever they get a chance to buy it. Sometimes it causes fires, leading to more people visiting the For Haiti with Love burn clinic.
For Haiti with Love also provides houses for single mothers and their children. Dehart says they helped one mother with five kids who were living in a shack with a leaky roof. “She asked us why. We said God sent us to her. And she wanted to know more about God. So we told her, and she became a Christian.”
Pray many Haitians would see Jesus in this ministry. Pray also that the gang violence in Haiti would stop. You can support For Haiti with Love’s work on their website.
The header photo shows an aerial view of Port-au-Prince. (Photo courtesy of NASA Astronauts, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)