USA (OMI/MNN) — Remember
The Freedom Climb on Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania?
What began as a
dream became something tangible for advocacy. In January 11, 2012, 48 women from seven
different countries gathered in Tanzania to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro — the
world's tallest free-standing mountain.
Their voices
spoke for those who could not speak for themselves: the oppressed, enslaved
women and children trapped in human trafficking.
This first group raised
global awareness about the issues, as well as prayers and funds. The goal for
the climb, and for 2012, is to affect the lives of 10,000 women through
projects that break the cycles of poverty, shame, slavery, and despair.
The Freedom Climb
is a ministry of Operation Mobilization (OM). It supports OM projects focused
on at-risk women and children, specifically those who are exploited,
enslaved, oppressed, and trafficked. OM works among the most marginalized and
least-reached people in the world and has 6,100 workers from 100 nations,
serving in 118 countries.
However, OM also wants you to know that you do not have to climb
Mt. Kilimanjaro to be a voice for these destitute women and children. You can
be an advocate whether you are a student, soccer mom, grandmother, working
woman, or anything in between.
They're holding a conference on September 20-23 to introduce the initial group of 48 climbers. The conference will help tell the story
of how ordinary women are helping to bring extraordinary hope to oppressed,
exploited, and trafficked women.
Keynote speakers Stasi Eldredge–co-author of Captivating, and
Carolyn Custis James–author of Half the Church, and other speakers will be
hosting workshops to provide tools to become an advocate and engage your
community, church and local media in the cause.
This year, the Freedom Climb is being opened to
families. On September 22, participants
can join the hike in the Colorado Springs area, or prayer walks. Others climbs, like summiting Pikes Peak, are more
challenging. Each climb is symbolic for those who cannot declare freedom in
their lives and climb out of their circumstances. Men, women, and children are
welcome to participate in a climb.
Like the initial group, climbers should be passionate about
the Gospel. Any funds raised will go to
OM projects that share and proclaim the ultimate freedom in Jesus Christ.