International (MNN) — There are several regions of the world where missionaries have no access or cannot enter easily. In some areas where Christians are allowed, many forms of evangelism are forbidden, making it difficult to distribute the Bible. With current technology, however, the Word of God can reach the unreached regardless of restrictions.
Faith Comes By Hearing is offering free Audio Bible podcasts in over 400 languages, allowing anyone to listen to the Bible at any time, as long as the internet is accessible.
So far, the podcasts have been enormously successful. Within the first 90 days of the podcast launch, over one million chapters of Audio Scripture podcasts were downloaded. There have been almost 1.3 million Audio Bibles subscriptions in more than 275 languages since January.
These Audio Bibles are vital for people in areas without any other access to the Word of God, but they are also useful for people on the go. According to Faith Comes By Hearing, 70 percent of American believers have not read the New Testament. These free downloadable podcasts are an easy way to listen to a piece of Scripture every day. Podcasts and apps can even be downloaded to your iPhone, iPod or iPad.
To receive these Audio Bible podcasts through iTunes, visit the Faith Comes By Hearing artist page in iTunes. Then find the language and version of the Bible you want and click "Subscribe."
So far, the Audio Bible podcasts have been most popular in English, Spanish, Hebrew, Korean, and Russian. Pray for those who may be listening to the Bible for the first time through this technology. Pray that the Lord would use this media outlet to speak to people and to build His Kingdom.