France (MNN) — What comes to mind when you hear the words "film" and "Paris?" More likely than not, you
thought "romance movie." But did you think
of "evangelism?"
A filmmaker we'll call "Leigh" is working in Paris,
France, with the help of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board.
She shares her faith as well as her HD camera, microphone
and editing software with her women's film group. Shooting just southeast of Paris, Leigh is
more interested in the story of the people than she is in the art, architecture
and romance of the region.
According to the IMB, just six-tenths of 1 percent of the people are evangelical,
and sharing the Gospel in a traditional manner can fall on deaf ears. Creating a documentary is challenging even
when the pool of potential subjects is diverse. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in
Europe. There are also cultural
differences to be overcome. Italians,
Corsicans, Armenians, Turks, Comorians, Chinese, Vietnamese and North African
Berbers are plentiful–as are their beliefs.
The French also value their privacy, so people are guarded. Despite these obstacles, Leigh is seeing an
openness among the female artisans featured in her documentary.
It's a work-in-progress, but it's also giving her
credibility to share the Gospel, and doors are opening. Keep praying.