India (MNN) — While the founder of Hopegivers International MA Thomas went before the Supreme Court today, the organization’s President Samuel Thomas remains jailed as he awaits his turn in court. Hopegiver’s Bill Bray says last week the Supreme Court lifted the arrest warrant for MA Thomas.
However, the junior Thomas has one more obstacle to overcome before he can go before the Supreme Court, says Bray. “Dr. Samuel Thomas, he goes before the local court in Kota for the last time on the 24th. If they refuse bail for him and our other prisoners then all of those cases can before the High Court. If it’s refused there it can go to the Supreme Court.”
Bray says this is a big breakthrough. “I think the global pressure is getting through and people were sympathetic.”
The story behind the story is that the Gospel is being presented to influential leaders. The Hopegiver U-S Board of Directors helped do just that. “There was no door that was not opened to them. They were able to meet with the RSS and two or three Muslim leaders. It was quite an exciting opportunity to witness and explain our side.”
These difficulties, says Bray, is mobilizing the evangelical church. “Rajasthan is the fifth state that the BJP has taken over. So, I think the Christians are electrified in India and are unifying in prayer and response to this. God is answering those prayers and I think there’s revival.”
While the tide MAY be turning, Bray says they’re not out of the woods yet. “Our people are still in jail, our licenses are still suspended for the institutions. We’re still operating the orphanages illegally, the hospital illegally, our schools are operating illegally. Our bank accounts are still frozen.”
Christians around the world are being asked to continue praying for the situation and to contribute to Hopegivers’ legal defense fund.